So, I'm well into the second week of my new job and it feels great. One doesn't stop to think about how important it is to have a job to do. Not because it pays the bills (but oh boy, am I glad that I don't have to worry anymore about scraping next months rent together, not to mention how to pay for food). Also not because it keeps you occupied. It's more like having a purpose. Looking back at the end of the day and realizing that what you have done serves a purpose is a huge reward in itself.
The thing is I don't identify with my job. My job is not who I am but what I do. I really do appreciate that it truly is a nine to five job. One I leave behind at the office and do not take home with me. It has almost nothing to do with my general interests in life or what I have done in my studies. It is a means to an end. Namely to pay the bills. But it is a really interesting means. It not only keeps me occupied (and believe me, meaningful occupation is a blessing in and by itself), it keeps me involved and challenged. But when I log out of the computer in the evening that's it. I don't dwell on it, I don't really need or want to. What this job gives me is the freedom to pursue my interests in my own time. I can write, I can work at my non-profit project, I can spend time with friends, read, watch a movie. Free from worrying how to make ends meet and free from the feeling that I need to put everything I am into my work because it is so important or because it's for some greater good. My work is important but what I don't get done till 5 pm will keep for the next day. This is truly liberating.
And still, it gives me so much energy and satisfaction that I am doing something that benefits someone else and me at the same time. Because I can support myself and the work I put in is of use for my employer and my "clients".
In case you're wondering what it is that I do for a living now: I'm a custodian of estates. That means that for people who die without heirs or whose heirs are not known or have waived their rights in the succession I manage and sort out the estate. It's a very interesting and challenging job as no inheritance is like the other, just as everyone's life is unique.