Wednesday, October 13, 2010

WTF Wednesday: Worldwide decline in violence?

I have recently read an interview with an American psychologist who claims that we are living in the least violent times in human history (and I've mentioned it on*). WTF? Really? Can this be true? I knew about statistics in Europe and the US that state violence there is at its alltime low. But worldwide? How come this is so hard to believe for me. After all, I readily accept that it is true for Europe and America. Why can it not be true for the rest of the world, too, when I so readily believe it for its "Western" part. Is it because the news are full of violence? But then again, they are full of violence happening all over the world. Still, when it comes to reports of violence here in Europe and even in the States I know that I should take it all with a grain of salt, that after all violence sells more papers (and ads) than "good" news do. That, while every instance of violence is tragic and disturbing in and by itself, I still know that relatively viewed these are instances and in no way a general trend. That I am living in a generally peaceful and safe environment. That there is no need for me to go to any extra length to protect me from a perceived threat (the everyday common protection of a single woman aside, but that is subject for another post).
But when it comes to Africa, for example, the declaration that today there is less violence then say 50 years ago or even a decade ago, makes me stumble. ( I chose Africa as my example because a) I am an African Studies minor and being interested in everything that has to do with that continent, I follow the news about it more closely than those about other parts of the world and b) frankly, that's what we all do, isn't it? Equating Africa with violence, at least partly.) So, am I guilty of falling into the same trap that I so valiantly try to avoid, believing in a stereotypical view that I've been trying to dispel for years? If so, well let it serve as a reminder to me, that I cannot sit back and pat myself on the shoulder for being oh so open minded. That it is necessary to every once in a while to take stock of one's beliefs and perception and to ask oneself, is this still true and/or was it ever true. And sometimes this can reveal quite startling things about yourself.
And while I am adjusting my perceptions, it is always good to ask myself, what does this mean to me now. In the instance of the fact, that life in Africa is less violent than it has ever been, what consequences does this have for my perception (and that of other people) of Africa? Does it take away from the horror that war wrecks on the human beings involved in it? Does it diminish the fact that there are heinous violent acts perpetrated on human beings (and not only in Africa)? Does it change my conviction that, as human beings, these acts of violence concern us all? That we all need to offer our help and compassion whenever and however we can? No, of course not.
What this does, is that it changes my perception of myself. That I need to look into myself and ask myself why I so readily accept the belief that life in Africa is necessarily more violent and that violence there has not diminished as it has in other places. And to wonder if this is not based on a lack of respect and a manifestation of the patronizing view on Africa that I have on occasion lamented in others. Let this serve as a lesson for me, that we are all not free from prejudice and in order to achieve true equality for all human beings we need to confront our own prejudices first and foremost.
As always, I'd love to hear what you think!

*Sorry guys it's in German, but those of you who are capable to read German, you're welcome to read my articles and notices I post there (as usual comments are also more than welcome!!!!!).

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