Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday Movie: True Grit

Okay, technically I've seen "True Grit" last Thursday but I decided I'd keep it for the Monday review, because quite frankly I found the movie rather meh...
Now I know, all the Western-, Coen Brothers-, Jeff Bridges- and who-knows-what-else- fans out there  probably want to tear me into shreds for saying it out loud, but there it is, the bald truth: the movie just didn't do it for me. 
It's kinda hard to put the finger on it exactly, why I'm not ecstatically gushing about how great it is like everyone else, since I did not find it bad, exactly, or boring. The story just fizzed along for me, never truly ignited, that's the best I can come up with...
It's not the acting either. I had great expections of Jeff Bridges after seeing "Crazy Heart" last year (a truly spectacular, Oscar deserving performance), and I was not disappointed. Hailee Steinfeld was amazing, too. Josh Brolin always surprises me, the way he manages to play the rather dim-witted characters. Matt Damon, oh well, he's Matt Damon. What can I say? (Anyone else out there who always has to think of the Matt Damon spoof in "Team America" when he/she sees that guy? No? It's just me? )
It's not the cinematography either. There were some grand scenes and it was all well done. The set, the pictures, the scope. A nice gritty reality. Not overdone either.
I suppose it's the story. I'm not a big fan of revenge stories. And yeah, I get it, that it is a parabel on our humanity. That it shows what we lose of ourselves on our quest for retribution. That no matter how good and pure our incentive is (which btw I don't buy. Setting out to kill someone or have someone killed is never good and pure. Not even when you are a 14-year-old girl wanting to avenge your father.) anyways, it'll change you. Revenge is not so much about righting a wrong, it's about getting the scale even. But in order to do that, you have to give up something of yourself in the process. For me, the whole eye-for-an-eye business never made sense. Counteracting violence with more violence...where's the point in that? And when do you stop? 
And yeah, I also got the point where the little girl hast lost her father (from the subtext in the movie, probably long before he was killed) and that her journey also is meant as passage into adulthood (again she appears to me as a young adult, who has made the transition from child to adult without the luxury of adolescence long before the movie starts) on which she finds a father figure in the grumpy alcoholic Rooster Cockburn. But can I just state here how crummy I find it that in the end (SPOILER ALERT) he leaves her, too?
Oh, and speaking of the end (again MAJOR SPOILER ALERT don't read any further if you haven't seen the movie yet and intend to see it still): That whole snake bite business and hell-for-leather riding scene? Totally overdone and unneccessary. Made me want to shake my head and mumble "oh no, you didn' didn' DID..." for the last 10 minutes of the film. Also having Mattie end up as a shriveled old spinster at the end? Not sure what kind of message that was supposed to send.
As for the casual racism towards Native Americans and the sexism (boy did that weird sexualised relationship between Mattie and LeBoeuf squick me out)... yes, I know that it was a detached depiction of the "good ole days" and that it was meant as an ironic refraction for the modern viewer to take a step back and say:"Oh boy, were we racist and sexist back when..." It still made me feel pretty uncomfortable and being used for the comic element as it was I'm not sure that the average viewer got the irony.  Actually, listening to the audience around me breaking out in gleeful laughter, I'm pretty sure they didn't...
So, all in all, I was not too impressed. I think the Coen Brothers have done better movies (Fargo comes to mind) and Jeff Bridges has, too. I'd give it five out of ten points. 

Tell me watcha think!

And of course for todays mancandy, how about a nice cowboy?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can you find what's wrong with this video?

It's WTF Wednesday and  this Pepsi Ad is seriously f***ed up.
Take a for yourself and see if you can come up with all the things that are wrong with it.

How is this wrong? Baby, let me count the ways:

1) This should be obvious to even the most pigheaded asinine “but it was meant to be funny” douchebag out there. Domestic violence is not funny. It’s not funny when a man hits/kicks/knocks around/throws something at/[insert method of choice here] his wife/girlfriend/partner and it is certainly not funny when the roles are reversed. Nor is it feminist. It’s wrong that’s what it is.

2) Same goes for physical assault on another person who does not happen to be related to you or in a relationship with you. Repeat after me: NOT FUNNY. (oh yeah, and running away from the crime scene after slamming someone with a soda can in the head? Not cool, either…)

3) Also not funny: This constant slamming on people for their food choices. Sheesh, guys, this idea all food is bad that does not pass someone else’s idea of healthy and therefore any person who enjoys that food is to be punished? I got news for you, that’s just mean, selfish and prejudiced… gimme a break, and let me eat in peace…

4) Oooohhhh, ooooooh, can we talk about the racial issues in this little piece now? Where do I start? How about with white women are petite and innocent, while black women are bigger, meaner and more violent?

5) Or how about the black woman getting violent because a white woman is “trying to steal her man?” And him not being able to not flirt with her because he’s a black man? Jungle fever anyone?

6) Oh right, and of course black couple fleeing the crime scene, because that’s what they do, ain’t it?

Did I miss anything?

Fatism, Sexism and Racism. Not bad, cramming that many stereotypes into 30 seconds… Is that why the ad was voted best super-bowl commercial?

BTW, Diet Soda is neither healthy nor does it prevent you from gaining weight. Artificial Sweeteners are used in the pork industry to fatten up pigs faster....

Monday, February 7, 2011


It's monday. I've got a cold. I'm lagging behind with my stuff. I'm tired.

Oh, and before I forget: today's mancandy is for D. Yay! You did it!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Another one bites the dust

I'm beginning to think that I have seriously offended the goddess of weekends. After attending three seminars in the last ten days, includung one that ran through last weekend, I had big plans for this weekend. In my case that means no plans. I was going to spend the weekend with this attitude:

And woebegone to anyone who'd dare interrupt me, you'd have found yourself unfriended faster than you could have said "Dude, watcha readin'?"
But, alas, it was not to be. Due to a sequence of unfortunate events I am finding myself in Swabia again to play nursemaid to my brother and nanny to my niece. Just call me Florence Poppins.
Ah well, it ain't so bad. The food is for free (okay I'm cooking it, too), my niece is precious (when she doesn't throw her food around) and it's quite fun to watch my brother being a whiny sissi when it comes to his thrombosis shots. On the other hand, the internet connection sucks seriously, my parents came and brought lunch with them (including a package of pasta that still needed to be cooked and did you know you can do that wrong, too? I'm trying not to take it personally that they won't eat food that I cook), and I'm  supposed to write several applications and news articles this week.
I guess there is always the next weekend. Oh wait, that's when I'm at a birthday weekend party. Hmmm, keep your fingers crossed for the one after that. Otherwise I might turn into:
Evil Cat Overlord
Photo by flickr user ryemang