And woebegone to anyone who'd dare interrupt me, you'd have found yourself unfriended faster than you could have said "Dude, watcha readin'?"
But, alas, it was not to be. Due to a sequence of unfortunate events I am finding myself in Swabia again to play nursemaid to my brother and nanny to my niece. Just call me Florence Poppins.
Ah well, it ain't so bad. The food is for free (okay I'm cooking it, too), my niece is precious (when she doesn't throw her food around) and it's quite fun to watch my brother being a whiny sissi when it comes to his thrombosis shots. On the other hand, the internet connection sucks seriously, my parents came and brought lunch with them (including a package of pasta that still needed to be cooked and did you know you can do that wrong, too? I'm trying not to take it personally that they won't eat food that I cook), and I'm supposed to write several applications and news articles this week.
I guess there is always the next weekend. Oh wait, that's when I'm at a birthday weekend party. Hmmm, keep your fingers crossed for the one after that. Otherwise I might turn into:
Photo by flickr user ryemang |
anika-please use another color font---it's too hard to read against the background!
Never mind that comment---it was technical difficulties at this end,now resolved-