Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can you find what's wrong with this video?

It's WTF Wednesday and  this Pepsi Ad is seriously f***ed up.
Take a for yourself and see if you can come up with all the things that are wrong with it.

How is this wrong? Baby, let me count the ways:

1) This should be obvious to even the most pigheaded asinine “but it was meant to be funny” douchebag out there. Domestic violence is not funny. It’s not funny when a man hits/kicks/knocks around/throws something at/[insert method of choice here] his wife/girlfriend/partner and it is certainly not funny when the roles are reversed. Nor is it feminist. It’s wrong that’s what it is.

2) Same goes for physical assault on another person who does not happen to be related to you or in a relationship with you. Repeat after me: NOT FUNNY. (oh yeah, and running away from the crime scene after slamming someone with a soda can in the head? Not cool, either…)

3) Also not funny: This constant slamming on people for their food choices. Sheesh, guys, this idea all food is bad that does not pass someone else’s idea of healthy and therefore any person who enjoys that food is to be punished? I got news for you, that’s just mean, selfish and prejudiced… gimme a break, and let me eat in peace…

4) Oooohhhh, ooooooh, can we talk about the racial issues in this little piece now? Where do I start? How about with white women are petite and innocent, while black women are bigger, meaner and more violent?

5) Or how about the black woman getting violent because a white woman is “trying to steal her man?” And him not being able to not flirt with her because he’s a black man? Jungle fever anyone?

6) Oh right, and of course black couple fleeing the crime scene, because that’s what they do, ain’t it?

Did I miss anything?

Fatism, Sexism and Racism. Not bad, cramming that many stereotypes into 30 seconds… Is that why the ad was voted best super-bowl commercial?

BTW, Diet Soda is neither healthy nor does it prevent you from gaining weight. Artificial Sweeteners are used in the pork industry to fatten up pigs faster....

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