Monday, October 4, 2010


For some reason I always have Queen's "Bicycle Race" in my head whenever I hop on my bike. Even though it is a great song, I fear that I possible irritate fellow motorists and cyclists with my occasional bursts into song. Nevertheless, the song never fails to lift my mood.

Surprisingly, I find that riding my bike itself also makes me happy. I might grouse about the grisly, ghastly weather, or deplore the demanding distances I have to cover, in the end I am always happy when I have taken my bike instead of the subway. Even when it is raining. Which is the perfect time to wear my rubber boots with the white and pink polka dots and my Paddington-the-Bear/Miss-Marple/The-Duchess-of-Cornwall-Hat. I so love that outfit. It makes me happy, and so does the rain. And not only because of the outfit. I love the way the city smells so clean and fresh when its raining, the sound of the raindrops hitting the pavement and the cars, and I especially like the light during a rainy day, especially now in fall. Who cares about getting a little damp when you can ride your bicyle through puddles...

Today it didn't rain. No, it was one of these gorgeous early autumn days. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, the air had a slightly crisp quality,not too cold, just fresh, and the wind was rustling in the trees. A great day to be outside riding your bike. Enough to make my start into the week a little brighter. So, for all of you out there, who consider mondays a rather meh kind of day, what helps you to make the start into your week a little more bearable?

And for those (girls) who need a little more to lift your mood: enjoy the view.

1 comment:

  1. No matter how hard it is on a crappy weather day to get on the bike, at the end I am always thankful that I rode the bike.
