Monday, August 1, 2011

It's Monday. Time for Mancandy.

I have the sneaking suspicion that some of you only drop in here on mondays. Yeah, I'm on to you. I know who you are... and since I know you, I have sometimes tried to cater to your tastes. As we know there is no accounting for taste, so if you have suggestions or requests feel free to let me know.
And speaking of taste I wonder, do most people have a "type"? (Is Hugh Jackman a type? If so, then yes, I have a type.) Or is it more the small things, the single characteristics that make someone attractive to you? Like his or her height, the color of their eyes, the breadth of their shoulders or their bra-size? From a purely physical point of view I must say its both for me. There is a certain type of guy that makes me take notice and take a closer look. But there are also little things, certain traits that make my heart flutter. 
The big question is though: Is there chemistry? No matter how close he comes to my type or how many adorable traits he has, if there is no spark, there's no future. That would even go for Hugh Jackman. Probably. If I ever met him.
And you know, that spark is largely influenced by personality. I would even argue that most of us have a certain type we like when it comes to personality. I for one do. So is the ideal guy the one that combines most of the physical and personal traits of your type? And if you can have only one, what would win? Looks or personality?
I'm not so sure. It's easy to say I choose personality over looks, but isn't physical attraction a large part of a relationship? And by saying that looks are important, I don't mean that the guy has to fit into a mainstream beauty formula. I would wager that a lot of the things I find attractive in a man are not what the fashion and beauty industry tell us to find attractive. They are not even what my girlfriends find attractive. 
It took me a long time to figure out that there is no such thing as a general standard for what people find attractive. That sometimes people find something about you attractive that you have never even considered or that you yourself find downright unattractive. But then attactiveness is not beauty. Keats may have a point. But if beauty is truth, I prefer the little lies that make someone attractive and interesting. 
One of those little things are freckles. I adore freckles, they make me melt...

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